FamilleBou Bess / Bomb Squad
A little news piece on FamilleBou Bess from today's La Opinion newspaper.
There needs to be more African voices heard in this place, too much talking about them and never hearing first hand. That's the thing that gets me, as I mentioned in the previous post.
I did feel a bit weird that they asked if we could take the photo-shoot on the beach...a bit corny I thought, but as the concept around interview was the sea and how it connects Africa and the Canary Islands, I let it slide.
During interview FBB talked about their respective journeys to Tenerife, no easy feat, six days in an open-top, over-crowded boat suffering from a lack of food and water.
This isn't something for adults never mind teenagers.
The Ear Conditioning program for this week features a mix from The Bomb Squad, with a little help from The Loop Orchestra to close matters. The Shocklee Brothers are seriously into their dubstep.
Update: The Bomb Squad have just informed me of another mix they've uploaded for us to soak in, here.
Ear Conditioning is 'earable here:
Radio Norte 89.4FM Tuesday 20h30 GMT (Catchment area - North Tenerife)
Sunhole www.sunhole.net Tuesday 22h00 GMT (Streamed repeatedly during the week)
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